Being healthy is everyone's ambition, rite?

And you must be hoping being healthy.

But this is not a consult rubric, this is a TRAVELING rubric. So I must introduce this rubric first.
The name, Healthy! GIRLS is taken from K-ON anime's song: Cagayake! GIRLS.
Travel around the world staying healthy, this is about the rubric.

Be happy with CHIPEP,
Cheryl (White Wing)

Hi CHIPEP! Gue Rina. Langsung yakk!!

1. Bahas shoujo manga yang di Nakayoshi dunks. Khususnya School X Fight, Kitchen Princess, Sugar Sugar Rune sama Sweet Lollipop.
2. Ohiya, aku suka banget CHIPEP karena udah ngebahas Shugo Chara!. Aku pengen banget jadi kru CHIPEP. Hmmmm...
3. Bahas manga-manga yaoi juga.
4. Aku pengen tau nih, di rubrik Makeup Magic kan tentang makeup gitu kan. Nah, gimana kalo dibahas apa aja warna yang cocok untuk golongan darah masing-masing.
5. Terakhir, untuk Musica Lime gimana kalau ada info/gossip artis terbaru gitu.
Segitu aja dech! Makasih ya CHIPEP~~
Rinarinarina by e-mail

Halo Rina, langsung juga kita jawab surat kamu yah:
2. Oh, kirim aja crew request kamu ke ya. Atau sebaiknya kamu lihat dulu syarat-nya, cari saja di sidebar CHIPEPmagazine.
3. Dipertimbangkan dulu ya, soalnya yaoi itu belum tentu diterima masyarakat Indonesia loh.
4. Beres, ditunggu ya.
5. OK.....
Terimakasih loh Rina, kamu pembaca pertama yang ngirim e-mail. Komputer Rima rusak, sebelumnya dia kirim e-mail ke saya tentang surat ini. Bye Rina, ceria terus bersama CHIPEP ya.

CHIPEP, saya Ayu.... Ayu sudah kelas 3 SMA... Eh, Ayu ingin request nih...
1. CHIPEP, Ayu ingin bahasan tentang anak-anak SMA jaman sekarang. Apa bisa dikabulkan?
2. CHIPEP ada rencana mo terbit format majalah tidak? Habis, teman-teman Ayu tidak suka majalah onlain....
3. Ayu tidak suka tuh, sama blognya Kak Cheryl. Kata Ayu terlalu kasar.
Sudah dulu ya. CHIPEP. Dari Ayu K.L.
Ayu L. by e-mail

Hai Ayu, kamu formal banget, ya! Langsung saja CHIPEP jawab pertanyaan kamu:
1. Hmm, gimana yah, dipertimbangkan dulu deh.
2. Kita sih ga ada rencana. Oh ya, cara nulis onlain harusnya online, Ayu...
3. Cheryl sez: Iyah, dari sananya gue udah gitu, dari dulu kasar. Anehnya masih banyak yang mau temenan ama gue, padahal gue ejek semua! Hahahahaha
Terimakasih suratnya Ayu, be happy with CHIPEP ^^

Hy CHIPEP.... aq Mayu..... hehehehe.... Mayu (panggil ja May, Mayu, atau Yuu)mau curhat + rquest boleh ga.... kalo boleh, mulai yaa..... <
1. CHIPEP, punya maskot ngga? adain duonks...... aq mau CHIPEP beda ama yang laen..
2. Aq mau usul nehh, gimana kalow CHIPEP ada test judulnya "apakah kamu benar-benar cewek?" soalna aq pengen tau, aku nih tomboy ato femi.... <
3. Aq juga mau curhat.... aku punya pacar tapi dia sinis banget orangnya, cuma kalo aq nangis, dia jadi suayaaang sama q. tiba-tiba dia buka CHIPEP di laptopnya AWWWWW
4. Salam ya buat semua kru. Oia kru di CHIPEP kantornya dimana? pengen tau ajaaa.... siapa tau deket rumah q....<
udah dulu yha CHIPEP, pamit dulu.... chuu....
Yustina Mayu-stina by e-mail

Hy juga Mayu (panggilnya Yuu aja deh!), kamu kayaknya semangat yah nulis surat niy? Kok, waktu di inbox, hurufnya caps lock semua? Gapapa deh, OK.... kita jawab usul + curhat kamu itu ya.... chuuu....
1. Maskot udah ada, namanya Chipe. Liat aja di sidebar yaaa ^^
2. Boleeeh...
3. Waaah.... Romantis banget siyy...
4. Sayang sekali, CHIPEPmagazine gada kantor. Semua kru hidup terpisah (cailah dramatis banget?), cuma bisa was wes wos-an lewat e-mail....
Kirim surat lagi ke CHIPEPmagazine, ya, Yuu...... Chipe (maskot kita) juga seneng loh

Jambo CHIPEP! Vira here. Mo nanya macem-macem niii....
*..ichi..*Setuju ama usul Rinarinarina, aku juga sukaa banget baca Nakayoshi nih. Bahas komik di Nakayoshi juga ya
** Jadi kru CHIPEP minimal berusia 8-18 taun ya?? ufuufufuu..... berarti aku cukup yaaa....
*..san..*Aku mau bahasan Shangri-La dong.
*..yon..* CHIPEP ada bahasan tentang boneka Bratz donk. Mereka tuh boneka yang fashionable bangets.
*..go..* Terakhir, buat ka a-LICE, aku suka blognya. Cute and really GIRLY....just like CHIPEP.
Bubye CHIPEP-my sweet Chipe....
Vyra Paww by e-mail

Jambo juga Vira! You are also cute and really girly, also sweet like Chipe.
*..ichi..* OK, ditunggu ya *melirik Dark Moon*
** Yay, daftar yau >w<
*..san..* Boleh, tapi yang bahasan komik2 dari Nakayoshi duluan ya ^^
*..yon..* Sip! Tenang aja, di edisi ke-2 ini, Bratz bakal dibahas lengkap.
*..go..* a-LICE sez: Thanks..... aku kan pink + cute lover, kalo Cheryl cherry lover, Dark Moon black + gothic lolita lover, and ka rima work lover XD. Ngomong-ngomong, tentu aja kamu CHIPEP lover kan?
Bubye Vyra, there's a kiss-bye from Chipe ^^

CHIPEEEEEP! Hwaaaa... Aku nangis pas lagunya Afgan jadi 1st best Musica Lime!!! GILAAA!!! AA.... *lebay*
Anyway, my beloved name is Luna.... Cuma mau nanya nih jeung, Chipe itu dibikinnya dimana? Teruuuuus, menurut CHIPEP aku sexy ngga, jadi berat badanku 40 kg , umur 20, tinggi 175..... OK.... daaa.
LunaSolar by e-mail

LUNAAAA! Semoga kecupan dari Chipe bisa menenangkan kamu *bercanda kok*
Chipe dibuat di Lucu-lucu loh. Menurut CHIPEP sih, itu udah ideal kok. Tanyakan saja sama ahli gizi terdekat, ya, Luna cantik.

Kok maskot CHIPEP udah gada sichh,,,,,, yahhhh,,,,,, aku kangen chipeee!!
adain lagi dongs.... kok katanya di suratnya mayustina yustina adaaak?! hwaaa.... ndak adiill..... ane sedihhh..... segitu ajhaaaa deuuuuwhhh..... mikicih chipeeeppp......
By e-mail

Kok nggak ada namanya ciih? Namanya siapa? Ternyata mengubah template luar blogger menghilangkan HTML code, dan bodohnya lagi, CHIPEP keilangan password doll-doll.
Kenang aja Chipe, ya? Maaf......

Kirimkan e-mail anda ke:
Alamat e-mail akan dimuat jika diberitahukan didalam e-mail ybs.

Don't fall in love on someone before they chase for you.

~Miko Chihara

If I choose your life or my life, I will choose my life.
Because you are my life.

Send your quote to: with subject: QUOTES CHIPEPMAGAZINE

Top 10 songs of CHIPEPmagazine version! This is rated by voting. If you want to vote, send it to (PS: 1 e-mail = 1 vote. NO SENDING 2 TIMES IN ONE E-MAIL). This is a battle of local and import!

  1. Afgan - Pencari JalanMU
  2. Project Pop - Batal Kawin
  3. V6 - Spirit
  4. Gruvi - Selamat Tinggal
  5. WALI - Mari Sholawat
  6. Andra and the Backbone - Seperti Hidup Kembali
  7. Saykoji - Online
  8. Jason Mraz ft. Colbie Caillat - Lucky
  9. Kangen Band - Terbang Bersamaku
  10. UNGU - Dilema Cinta
Looks like the winner of this month's battle is Afgan! He is from Indonesia so this time...
LOCAL WINS!! yay >w<

This is the best color for each personality...
Shy orange
Calm cherry (if you're going to a costume party you may use blue!)
Full-spirit cherry also suits for the full-spirit type ^^
Feminime pink, cherry
Goth dark colors
Elegant cherry

>>Text by a-LICE (
>>Source: Yahoo!, eve magazine September 2009)
  • The color of white wine will be even darker and darker, but the red wine will be brighter.
  • Barbie, the fenomenal doll, has 48 pets.
  • MU is 2 times canceled there trip to Indonesia.
  • A crocodile can't stick its tounge out of its mouth.

>>Text by Dark Moon

>>much thanks to Rima
>>Shugo Chara! Copyright PEACH-PIT (Kodansha)
Shugo Chara!
Amu Hinamori is a cool, spicy and boyish girl. But actually that isn't Amu's character. Her real character is a shy girl. When she pray for being herself, 3 eggs just popped at her bed.
Amu goes to her school, Seiyo Gakuen, and met the prince of Seiyo, Tadase Hotori. When seeing Tadase Amu's heart-motifed egg moved. The general student meeting began and suddenly Amu's character changed! Amu said, "I'm sorry, I love you Tadase!" after saying that Amu ran away.
Amu falls into a hole and landed on a high school boy named Ikuto Tsukiyomi. But then a tractor is heading to Amu and Ikuto. The tractor is blocking the way out!! Amu's heart-motifed egg hatched and popped out Ran, a shugo chara of Amu.
Shugo chara is a guardian character, a personality that we always wanted to be. Days after that the spade-motifed egg hatched and Miki comes out.
Tadase is begging Amu to join Guardian, the school organization. All guardian members have a shugo chara! Like Nadeshiko Fujisaki (who is actually a boy named Nagihiko Fujisaki) has Temari, Yaya Yuiki has Pepe, Kuukai Souma has Daichi, even Tadase has a shugo chara named Kiseki. Some days after that Suu, Amu's clover egg, hatched.
Read more of this Shugo Chara! at the manga, Shugo Chara! or watch the anime.

We have a new crew! Her name is Dark Moon. She is at the illustrator and writer.

Her blog:

Hi there! This is our first article!

You can search our edition by labels.
Contact our editor at:
Send e-mails there!
CHIPEPmagazine is a girl's magazine, full of anime-manga, fashions, and other girl things!
This is our common rubrics:
  • Hello There! (editor's note)
  • Manga and Anime (about Japanese cartoons)
  • Makeup Magic
  • You Must Know!
  • Musica Lime (Music)
  • Quotes
  • Mail Day
  • Healthy!! GIRLS
Bye, happy reading!
~Kasuga Rima, editor

About this blog

Editor's e-mail (for sending mails and short stories):
Twitter: chipepmagazine
Facebook: comming soon!

PS: you can request to be one of us!
Make sure you have this criteria:
*have a blogger account
*confirm our contributing invitation (it's like this: we invite you in blogger to join us and you confirm via e-mail)
*you're a girl
*you master minimal 2 languages (Indonesia-English is enough)
*you are an Indonesian
*you deserve to work here without any earnings (gaji)
*your age is 8 - 18
*send your crew request to: with subject: CHIPEPmagazine crew request